Saturday, February 26, 2011

Disneyland in the Rain!!

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So last night I came up with this novel idea to go to Disneyland in the rain. I thought maybe it would not be crowded because it was raining. NOT I swear what the heck, you would never know we are in a recession if you saw Disneyland on a Friday night in the rain. At 8:45 my kids decided they wanted to ride BIG THUNDER and at 8:50 it was pouring rain. So we had the long walk back to the car. Because we are Meldrums (part Pugmire too) we always walk the half mile instead of take the tram (the tram is always a long line).
As I watched my 11 year old push my 5 year old in the stroller. My husband carry my 8 year old because she was so wet she could barley walk, not to mention when she wore her hood she kept running into things. I carried the 2 year old, who would pull her rain coat over her head and look and me every once in awhile and say mommy you getting wet. Who do you think enjoyed the walk the most?
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As you can see Addie fell asleep in the pouring rain as Dawson ran with her in the stroller. And that's right her rain coat is a black trash bag that worked like a charm. Berlynn on the other hand ran with me in my arms and as you can see from first picture it had been a long night.

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